Missions at Reedy River Missionary Baptist Church adhere to the Scripture Jesus gave his disciples in Matthew 28:18-20. (New International Version). Jesus commissioned his followers to “go and make disciples,” “baptize them,” and “teach them.” He promised to be with us always as we follow his commission. In addition, we advance Christ’s kingdom for his glory; therefore, our mission activities encompass acts of charity.
Through our missions programs (the Brotherhood, Senior Women’s Missionary Society, Young Women’s Auxiliary, and the Outreach ministry), we support disaster relief programs, food pantries, homeless essentials, senior needs, prison ministries, and various adult and children shelters in our local area with acts of charity and God’s word as we advance Christ’s kingdom for his glory.
We preach the words of Jesus Christ that souls are saved from sin. We send articles of clothing, personal hygiene items, and monetary donations to fulfill the needs of individuals in our local community. We send financial contributions to our community food pantry who prepare food for local elementary and middle public school children who need food on weekends and holidays to sustain them when they are not in school.
Director of Missions – Rev. Dr. Jerusha Drummond
How do you get involved?
People may contact the Brotherhood, Senior Women’s Missionary Society, YWA, Outreach ministries members, presidents, or Missions Director.
Brotherhood Ministry meets first Saturday of every month at 8:30 am, FLC.
The Senior Women’s Missionary Society meets third Saturday at 12:30, JTFH.
The Senior Women’s Missionary Society meets third Saturday at 12:30, JTFH.